Why you should interview me

As a dual physician and attorney-entrepreneur and innovator with 20 years of starting and running successful businesses, and 10 years of clinical practice and 5 years of hospital leadership in complex healthcare systems in rural communities, I would be honored and excited at the prospect of serving as LCMHS’s next CEO.

I will be present, supportive, and engaged to lead with compassion through holistic motivation of our high performance healthcare teams. By harmonizing team dynamics to foster clinical excellence, we will continue to see superb patient experience at LCMHS.

Read my Cover Letter here.

A team player

Growing up in the hospitality industry and working in real estate transactions has ingrained customer service, consensus building, mediation and courage skills that transformed me into a servant leader and thoughtful decision maker. I have demonstrated this through developing integrated high performance teams in the healthcare industry.


A natural leader that listens and collaborates

Meet Kenji, the GOAT.

Tell me how I could better serve the Board, Calcasieu Parish, our employees and our patients! click here


To Maximize Team Results, Manage the Whole Employee

Effective management is empathetic management. Understanding your employees’ strengths, weaknesses and approach to work will increase creativity, resilience and results. — Read on www.entrepreneur.com/article/362278 people who feel appreciated consistently outperform those who do not.

4 leadership changes CEOs made during the pandemic

Many CEOs have changed their leadership strategy in four crucial ways that have positively impacted their organizations during the pandemic, though it’s unclear whether those changes will remain after COVID-19 has subsided, according to a McKinsey & Co. article. — Read on www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/4-leadership-changes-ceos-made-during-the-pandemic.html